I know what you're thinking,
you’ll lose 10 pounds and then you’ll book.
10 years from now, you’ll look back with different eyes upon that beautiful body.
Even five years from now, you'll envy the girl in these pictures - she'll hold you accountable to always take the risk and go for it, she'll whisper in your ear "just do it!"
She deserves it. She deserves to look back at herself with admiration, seeing a new side of herself. I’ve had clients that their whole perspective on themself changes after they see their stunning beautiful body and face all lit up on my computer screen. It’s a chance for me to show you just how powerful and magical you truly are.

Don’t wait for it! Your moment is now!

I recently shocked myself when my own boudoir shoot was fast-approaching and I suddenly felt like I needed to look different. Different than I do everyday. Me, saying this to myself, who every single day is hyping up other women.
I realized there was a paralyzing fear that came over me that these photos just wouldn’t look good enough. My stomach skin wasn’t tight enough, my skin had been doing a weird rash-breakout thing, I hadn’t been doing as much yoga lately and I could be stronger; I didn’t think they would be perfect.
What is perfect anyway? Who defines what perfection even looks like? The beauty industry? Girlfriends? Boyfriends? Husbands? My mom? Your mom? Your mama?
I had to redefine what perfection meant.

Perfection is being real, raw and honest.
Perfection is living in the moment.
Perfection is finding joy and living in that joy.
Perfection is feeling good about yourself.
So, therefore, I am perfect!
No one else gets to define me.

NO ONE ELSE GETS TO DEFINE ME. That is my job. And I decided a long time ago that what I truly want most is to love myself in my own skin, and to enjoy every day in this body that has been with me on this planet for 30-something years. She has been good to me. She’s followed me everywhere and oftentimes, when I let her, she leads the way. She whispers to me and asks me to drink more water, remember my vitamins, to move and stretch daily in a way that feels good. She reminds me to hug people and to cuddle close to my little babies. She nurtures and takes care of me, and so I take care of her back. My body is a person. Why shouldn’t I honor her. Right now. As she stands today?

Are you thinking that you wouldn’t know where to start and that you have nothing to wear?
First, I teach clients to shop in their closet! If you’re not wanting to invest right now in new pieces, then easy peasy! Some of my favorite shots are the ones where clients pick out a fave pair of jeans (you know the ones, the ones that make that booty look just right!) and go topless. We can cover nips or not, put on a hot bikini top, layer with necklaces, etc. Wet t-shirts are always a good look, and jean jackets/fur coats are sultry and sassy. And don’t forget, you can also be fully dressed for boudoir! Boudoir is about the attitude, the lighting, the angles, the highest, most bad-ass version of yourself coming through. And I can work with anything. Don’t believe me? Let’s book a free, 10-minute closet consultation and I will find you 3 outfits!
if you want to shop my affordable yet bangin Boudoir finds on Amazon, click here. You won’t believe these costs!

Still thinking that everyone else in these Boudoir photos is gorgeous, but that you would be the one exception?
I can promise you that you’re wrong, based on the fact that the very clients you’re looking at have said the same thing! You think you’re the only one that feels awkward or shy in front of a camera? Believe me, even the most confident of women can have a moment of hesitation when they’re half-naked in front of a camera.

What you need is a personal hype-woman who is so quirky and funny that you will soon forget yourself and be more focused on her and what she’s doing and not yourself. She will guide you through wardrobe decisions, the perfect hair and makeup look, feed you mimosas, put on a kick-ass playlist, and nail the lighting and angles and you will look and feel so absolutely BANGIN you will hardly believe it! And she’ll try her very best not to tell you “I told you so!”

Meet your personal HYPE-WOMAN,Meg!

A California native and lover of SoCal and the beach, she has been shooting weddings and portraits for the last decade. But once she got a taste of the magic that happens in Boudoir, she had to be a part of it.
She does Boudoir differently. After recovering from an abusive relationship, an eating disorder, and discovering herself in her 30's, she found healing through eradicating women from the hellish entrapment of social expectations that also had her trapped.
And she chooses to do this with the two fiercest tools she owns: her voice and her camera. Let’s take those silent but very real expectations put onto you and crush them between our gorgeous thighs with sultry, totally YOU, vengeance.
Why be a lady when you can be a legend?
We have an intake process where we explore what your full embodied expression looks like, how you want to visualize your highest self, and creatively construct that through careful questioning.This leads us to what outfits, makeup, angles and lighting best serve you on your journey to your dream Boudoir session. Want to know what it feels like to be a model for a day? You will! All you need to do is book it, and we will walk you through everything.

And the best part? Even after your session is over, and you hold your luscious prints in your pretty little hands, you’ll have the opportunity to be a part of the Nectar tribe of women! Join the tribe for body positive affirmations and inspirations for daily living.
30 min
595 US dollars